Thursday 14 June 2012


It is against law to buy alcohol, if you are under 18. You will be punished, for example, you can be given a warning, or be given a formal caution, or be fined $220 on the spot by the police, or you can choose to have the matter decided by a court. However, these all of decision up to police. If you are buying alcohol in a public place, and you might look under 18, the staff have right to ask you to provide an ID such as, driver's licence, a photo card, or a passport. According to the law, there are two places you can drink alcohol - drinking on licensed premises, in general, the public places that have been given a license by the government to sell alcohol, such as bottle shops, pubs, bars, clubs, and some restaurants. Second drinking on private premises - these places are your home or a friend's house. Most of public places do not allow people drinking, they usually include: footpaths, roads, parks, hospitals, and so on. If you are caught by police, they will be punished on the spot or have decided by a court.